First assignment of group n° 022
Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
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First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project's idea
Provide a proposition of title for your project : "Cutplug"
Please answer to the three expected questions:
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
One of the main ecological issues at home concerns the waste of electricity. Even electricity is not the most polluting energy, wastes produced are a crucial issue. That’s why we want to find a solution to reduce the consumption. Indeed, if we pay attention to the electricity consumption of a charger which stay connected to an electrical outlet without charge anything, we can observe that it is a very important part of your consumption and simple innovative solutions could be found. You have some electrical devices which stay on standby and still consume some electricity.
2. Why does this problem exist?
It is so simple: everybody uses a large amount of electrical engine which have to be recharged. However, with all that engines you often forget to unplug them. How many times you see your charger plugged for nothing? Besides, you can’t control the distribution and the consumption by ourselves. Moreover, nowadays, there are more and more electrical devices which stay on standby and continue to consume.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
That’s why we would find a solution which prevent from an unconscious consumption. In order to economize and to be easily more responsible. We would find a solution that can be implementing in every home with a minimal cost. Our main purpose is not to create a really complicated system; it has to be simple and everybody could use it. It would be not a general system but something that everyone could chose to use it. Thanks to that kind of breakthrough, we could really reduce useless consumption, production of electricity and the amount of nuclear wastes.
Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)
Specialist in charger devices