First assignment of group n° 031
Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Book : Trouble dépressifs et personnes âgées Henri Lôo / Thierry Gallarda - Janvier 2001 Collection Pathologie Science Formation
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Book :« Les services à la personne : l'économie de la quotidienneté » - Auteur : Joël DEFONTAINE…
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Book : “Prévenir l'isolement des personnes âgées” Dominique Argoud (Auteur) - Paru en mai 2004 - Essai(broché) | |
Book : Solitude Et Isolement Des Personnes gées de Philippe Pitaud (2010) Editeur : Erès Collection : PRATIQUES DU CHAMP SOCIAL | |
Book : Toxic : Obésité, malbouffe, maladie : enquête sur les vrais coupables, William Reymond, Flammarion | |
Book : « De l’amour et de la solitude », Krishnamurti
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Book : “Demain, vieux, pauvres et malades” Dr Sauveur BOUKRIS
Potential experts already identified
- Présidente de la fondation de France Rhône Alpes
Marie Claude Pitance
- Créateur Application
Beyram Belhaj Amor
First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project's idea
Meet the cooker, for closer people.
Creation of an application which cure isolation problem of older people but also help to cure their financing precarity of the end of the month.
The principle is to allow people that are looking for good meals to meet elderly people who feel alone and who are demanding to see people and keep a social link.
This app is based on the same plan than bla bla car. The hot meal would be exchanged against a small amount of money which could reimburse the cost of food but also allow to make some saving on food.
Every user (old people) has a profile page which allow them to share their dishes, recipes and the date of the meal. The other users (interesting in having a meal) are choosing a profile they want and the “grandma” or “grandpa” are accepting or not the candidate.
A system of geolocalization will allow to find the hosts the closest to the demanding people. the application will be easy to use and fun.
Some “tutos” will be available to explain how to use it.
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
We can notice that aging people are afraid to go out, to lose their stuffs, to get attacked, to hurt themselves…Moreover they are no longer in contact with their families and friends as they are not connected to the social networks people tend to use more and more. Or they don’t have relationships anymore as they no longer have a professional activity. Nevertheless, this problem also affects young people, because virtual friends still don’t replace actual friends and real human contact for shy and reserved people.
Speaking of, students also suffer from malnutrition and this for almost all of them. Lack of time is one of the most important reasons. Between two classes, vending machines and fast food are present everywhere. The budget and the influence of the advertisement on young people are also causes of that plague. Indeed, one of two young people is affected by financial difficulties. To end this, young people are very sensitive to what they see on their screens which are invaded by junk food advertising.
2. Why does this problem exist?
We noticing that when people get older, they are more afraid of going out, losing their belongings (keys, glasses etc.), or to get hurt. Another tendency is that, older people are losing social link even with their own family because due to the distance and their absence on social networks.
The fact that they are not exercising a working activity make them feel sometimes useless in the society. This vicious circle is trapping them gradually in the loneliness.
In France, there is more than 1.5 million of old people suffering of solitude and isolation. Although this phenomenon is also impacting young population. Indeed, in 2012, the solitude touched more than 5 millions french citizens : 20% higher than in 2010. Virtual friends can not replace direct human contact.
The other problem we noticed is the “malnutrition” in student life. The lack of time is one of the principle cause. In the morning, 1 student out of 2 don’t have breakfast. Concerning lunch time, between 2 classes, the fastest is junk food, cheap, easy to access and which is usually eaten in less than 20 minutes. Some meals are neglected. It is creating health problems and generates stress : 63% of young people are eating alone in front of their screen. The budget is also one of the main cause of malnutrition, 1 student out of 5 is controlling his desire of eating good food because a lack of money. Cost of studies is obviously influencing food budget, we can notice it by the increasing of students loans. Lot of young people also don’t like to cook or don’t know how to. That’s also why junk food and prepared meals are appreciated. It has an impact on the health and the moral of the students. 19% of them are on overweight or on obesity and 13% of them are skinniness.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
We would like to create a link between two types of people who aren’t used to meet and spend time together usually in life. We want to provide a friendly moment during meal time. Indeed in some big cities, the individualism replaces the collectivism and it is becoming harder to meet new people and make new friends.
Is this for anyone else outside of applications? The application is not only aiming students or retired people, but totally open on the large public and all the users who would be interested in the concept.
How will the money be used? We’ll create a free application in order not to restrict the target market. The website will be supplied by some advertisings and a commission will be deducted during the payment (percentage of the meal’s price). During the first periods, the money raised would be exclusively used for the application’s development but also to teach elderly people how to use new technologies and using the application.
- Scouts et Guides de France, Lille Flandres