First assignment of group n° 087

De Movilab
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Miquet Emilie

Book : GUIGNARD Stéphanie and LEMAITRE Pascal, « Les poubelles et le recyclage » : une conscience écologique pour les enfants, LE POMMIER (8 mars 2011), Les Minipommes.
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Diderotto Marie

Book : PAULI Gunter, L'économie bleue, Editeur Caillade, Collection Ideer L'innovation Creative, novembre 2011
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Darnat Marie Charlotte

Book : MEADOWS Donella, Les limites à la croissance (dans un monde fini), Rue de l'Echiquier, 2012, 425 p
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Troncy Valentine

Book : FRITH Alex, Fenêtre sur les déchets et le recyclage Usborne Publishing LTD, Août 2011.
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Balme Maxime

Book : BRAUNGART Michael and MCDONOUGH William, Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things, Tantor Media, 2008.
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Sonnet Charlotte

Book : Le livre Blanc, FEDEREC editions, 2014. Online book
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Fabre Thomas

Book : PAILLE Dominique and HELARD Eric, Recycler pour une économie durable et solidaire, L'harmattan, Dossiers Environnement, numéro 2, 124p.
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First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea
Reinvent Recycle

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

Why was the selective sorting implemented? To incinerate the waste less polluting while diminishing the waste’s quantity in order to stay healthy, make some savings and a solution to deal with the environment issue we all know we are facing.

But unfortunately, we notice that even if it was implemented years ago, the selective sorting is only done by few people, especially families and old people, but students and single persons don’t do it, or only exceptionally: only 51% of retiree (the one that are the most disposed to do it), 37% of students and 32% only for young parents.

We have all seen during our researches that a lot of money and time were wasted because of unsorted waste, for consumers as well as companies in charge. The project of our group is about recycling and how everybody can be involved in it. Recycling is a simple act which can help to save natural resources like wood (paper, cardboard ) , oil (plastic) or sand (glass) . Recycling also allows saving energy as electricity used to make products and it reduces pollution because it does not need to remanufacture some objects : glass bottles, cans ... We reduced the number of discharges that are polluting and dirty. Our analysis is that few people do recycle because special bins for recycle are located in remote place in cities.

2. Why does this problem exist?

It’s unpleasant to say but it seems like people do not feel concerned enough about either the global warming or only the selective sorting as a lot of them haven’t taken the habit to do it.

But we found out that it’s not always because of a lack of motivation but more because people don’t really have enough place to put several bins corresponding to the several products to sort. Moreover, big sorting bins in the streets are either always far away from home or people don’t know where they can find them. Consequently, ¼ of waste in France are refused by the sorting area, because it was not done like it should and unfortunately, a lot of operators are uncompromising. Thus if something in the container was not supposed to be here, everything goes to the discharge, and then the sorting done by the person at first was for nothing. So, why bother?

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

Through our idea we are hoping to allow everybody to recycle really easily. We want to sell small trash that can be put in every apartment, even in the small one. These small bins will have 3 outputs, which compact waste. One for non-recyclable waste, one for paper and one for glass. Too much people don’t recycle because they don’t have the material to do it. With our solution, there won’t be any excuses.

Our plan is to create a really cheap and pretty beans, which enable to compact rubbish. In fact, our challenge is to create three beans. People will be able to find it in every supermarket and we expect that soon the “single bin” time will be over. This project is about “how everybody can improve a changement for a better world without pollution”.

Potential experts already identified

Anthony Braize and Teurihei Lehartel, owners of SARL Avo Nui des supermarchés sherpa at avoriaz. siège social 103 passage du Malinka.
Marc Sonnet, Mayor of Rully.

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